Thursday 24 February 2011


It is my first time to "play" with Fimo. I had lots of fun in the whole process. 
I want to make a bear to become my first Fimo outcome.
I enjoyed the time making craft as well as doing graphic.
I ways think this kind of little charter can help my development in doing graphic.
It is good experience to try more new technique.

Should I get a name for her/him?
"Heart" hat make her looks more like a girl.
Look from top
Look from back
I spray blue paint on the hat should better than the white one.
Bear in the garden! 

Final step! Out from oven.
P.s I broke the heart hat, made the little bear head very dirty...
I made a bigger head for her... It is not as nice as the previous one...

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Open Book@ RCA

The RED spot is the place we are going today for "Open Books" exhibition and publication.
The exhibition is held in RCA. I believe everyone who love art must heard about this collage!!
I am doing icodesign at the moment. We are going to design a typography book for this project.
It is very important for me to visit this exhibition.

Bookbinding is one of my biggest interests.

We took 30 to walk from south kensington tube station to Stevens building.
We were lost.
One of RCA's building.
You can read all books it presented on shelf.

They provide a comfortable space for us to read.
I found out, most of books in my right  hand side are hand make,
books in my left hand side are bided and printed by machine, which means it is already a product can be sale in the market.

The first book I pick up.
This is a hand make book in a high quality.
I can see lots of people pick up this book before me,
because the cover is dirty.
Do you think this is for you to read??

This is a book about " use" book.

Very detailed hand making book!

It got a box to fit in this book.
There is no cover for this book.
This is very special project!
She chose some very special shapes from a wall then took a picture.
I am interested in, where can she get this idea from.

You have to see this very clearly!!
This is a crazy idea!!
She drop a dig of colour on paper. Then put lots of insets on colour,
let them going around and around "with" colour .

I like the red cover of this book, the layout is great.
Title is stand out around by all little holds.
Love lots of colours and layouts, we can still see the detail very well.
Good idea have little pages inside book.

I am reading a book in RCA. This exhibition interested me  a lot.
They present big amount of hand make book.
They did bookbinding very well.
Also have lots of little ideas come out from these production,
which I can not see from a normal book shop.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Shopping mall- Galeries Lafayett, Christmas

You will enjoy this so much. I want to share this with you all.
I have never seen such big program of lighting.

Paris Trip

Feeling so exciting that it is my first time to Paris. I can go to lots of places which I just heard about and saw it on television before. 
We visited  The Panthéon in my first day of the trip.
King Louis XV commissioned Jacques-Germain Soufflot to dsign the church in 1755, with construction beginning 2 years later.

I didn't take it very clearly. Can you see the wall painting on the roof? 
It is hard to imagine how can they finish so well in the old age.

Here are surrounded by all paintings.

Sculpture in the middle of Pantheon

In Pantheon, walls are covered by all paintings about wars and god.

Look at the details! This is just a conner of Pantheon. 
This is Centre Georges Pompidou

Centre Georges Pompidou,it was designed in the style 
of high-tech architecture.It contain Musée National d'Art Moderne 
which is the largest museum for modern art in Europe, and IRCAM,
a centre for music and acoustic research.
This is how it looks inside Centre Georoge Pompidou, 
where is for  ticket selling desk.
The " head" hanging which is special.
It is made of steal tick and twist it to become shadow.

We arrive Musée du Louvre in my second day. 
I knew it would took a long to to look around the whole museum. 
This is one of the world's largest museums, the  most visited art museum in the world and a historic monument, which is a central landmark of Paris.  Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet).
It present lots of well known paintings,sculpture,drawings... 

The Louvre Pyramid is a large glass and metal pyramid, surrounded by three smaller ones, in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre) in Paris, France. The large pyramid serves as the main entrance to the museum. Completed in 1989, it has become a landmark for the city of Paris.

There are too many sculptures... and I can not find out who they are....

Long corridor of paintings.

The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, oil on panel, 1503-19,
probably completed while the artist was at the court of 
Francis I.

You can not see this very clearly. They dont have any explain for this painting.
But I love this one. The colour combination make me feel a real girl on the water thinking something.

Big amount of huge painting on wall.

Liberty Leading the People.
Romantic history painting.
Commemorates the French Revolution of 1830 (July Revolution) on 28 July 1830.

I don't know who she is, I love the sunshine are all over her body,
her beautiful body-shape interest me.

This one is so sad.

The Nike of Samothrace(winged Victory), marble, circa 190 BC
I finally see this with my eyes!
I like the feeling of peace and power!
This painting is drew from imagination. 
In my memory,this is the biggest painting in the museum

La Grande Arche
A great national design competition was launched in 1982 as the initiative of French president Francois Mitterrand. Danish architect Johann Otto von Spreckelsen (1929–1987) and Danish engineer Erik Reitzel designed the winning entry to be a 20th century version of the Arc de Triomphe.

Place de la Bastille
Colonne de Juillet

L'Arc de Triomphe

shopping mall- Galeries Lafayette
Filled with Christmas decoration.
Looks like a fairy-tale story background.