Tuesday 31 May 2011


LCC Fda Design For Graphic Communication

Ji Jun HU

First year experiences

This is my second year of studying “Design”, I am glad that I have chance to study in LCC Fda Design For Graphic Communication. Comparing to the others in the year, I might be the one of students who doesn’t have lots of experience in Art and Design. This is one of the reasons I learnt a lot between this year.
I tired to understand more and tried my best to finish every single project in order to catch up everyone else level. This is a challenge for me.

Even though, I have deeply interest in Graphic Design all the time, this moves me forward always. I attracted by good works in some galleries or on the streets in China and UK, I used to went in and have a look at it, after I left the gallery, everything has been gone from my head. After I start using my blog, I get used to take pictures of works which interest me or mark down artists’ name then go home to do more research. I found this is a very good habit which worth carrying on in my life.

I start visiting more exhibitions and galleries to fill up my blog, moreover, I can get more inspiration for my projects. Therefore, blog is a good starting point in LCC.

Before I study Design in LCC, I don’t know there is so many exhibitions run in London, I don’t even know “exhibition” this vocabulary. I am pleased that I learnt more knowledge about “ Art World”.

Log in to blackboard and check my school email already become part of my life, I pay close attention on what is happening next. The most exciting part could be sign in at 1030 for every project. Everyone stand by in front of their laptops, want to click the button as quick as they can in order to sign up their favor project. I would be more diligent if I signed up a project I want to do.

I love the way we work with people who are actually working in a company, we learnt something more than skills in them. First time I met Rachel is in “OKIDO” project. We needed to create a story with our characters for children’s book. We had asked to think out a story. I don’t have any idea about children’s stories, I am far away from children’s stories. Rachel gave me lots of advise about the ways she thinks out a story, I am pleased that I have such a good teach. Okido is my favor project I have done in this year. I drew on sketch book, I create it on illustration and make out the whole story, I really enjoyed the whole proses of doing this project. Before the second assessment, I filled up the whole sketch book to change my character to make it better.
Colours, layouts, languages, font, format and the way of presenting, all of these elements are under my consideration.

On the other hand, time management is a big problem on me. I stay on the stage of “ideas” too much, it seems like there is too much I can do for every single project then I can not move on to the next stage---develop my idea. For example in Okido’s project, I keep creating different kind of characters, therefore, there was not enough time for me to design layouts and choose fonts etc. Hopefully I can improve my time management in the future.

Look back to my blog, I have already forgot some workshops I went in the first term. Drawing workshop and Typography workshop seems happened long time ago. But it still can give me some inspiration for my recent project when I look at the picture again. Because this is skills I have learnt in LCC, how to think, how to draw and how to make yourself to move on with your project.

I learnt more skills than ever in different workshops this year. One year before, I just know to draw on sketch book then scan it in laptop, or take a beautiful picture of my work. I did not know I could do so many things with my ideas in order to make different effects. Mono print, screen print, collage etc are new skills for me, they helped me a lot on my projects. I tired to use this aspect and effects into my work, but not just drawing.

I also can get lots of information from library. I would borrow different range of books in different project, it fill more knowledge in my head of art. I borrowed 5 books for the major project we are doing now. All information are useful for me especially The Layout Book.

I love this course because it is link to actual manufactory. Helping us on our CVs had been very useful. It makes me know what does company looking for, leads us a right direction of looking for a job successfully. First time handed in my CV, I thought I have done it very well. Finally I get 61 which is 1 mark over pass. I knew I did not achieve that level to make a perfect pdf at the moment when I get my result. Jo told me what are the problems of my CV, I realized what is different between professional and un-professional at that time. I know I still have a long way to go. Jo’s advice helped me a lot to improve my work. Her workshop educated me lots of basics of InDesign, which I am very weak at. It is very helpful that I watch her teaching video in blackboard as well.

Every time I get a new brief, I do not understand very well what exactly we are doing for the project, I need a little bit time to comprehend the content. That is why teachers ask me question in first or second workshop for the project, I don’t know what I can answer them. It’s getting better after 3 or 4 days, then I start researching.

Overall, I feel very well studying in LCC this year, made some friends, communicate with teachers and learnt lots of skills here.

Hopefully I can learnt more next year and graduate successfully. Looking forward becoming the second year student in LCC and I hope I can get into third year of BA graphic.


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